Intuitive and flexible, Roboception’s perception solutions
reliably close the perception-action-loop.
高性能计算的现状与未来 - · • 处理器+加速器结构 – 使用X86处理器以获得较好的软件兼容性 • 512节点、1024个海光x86处理器、512个海光DCU加速器 • 互连网络:6D Tours、200Gbps • 峰值性能3.18PFlops、Linpack性能2.274PFlops、Linpack效率71.5%
The rc_visard sensor family enables robots to generate and process time and location-related data in real time.
The rc_reason software suite comprises modular enhacements of the rc_visard’s basic on-board software package.
为什么你的加速器看不了Youtube 4K – olocat:2021-5-2 · 为什么你的加速器看不了Youtube 4K 发布于 2021-05-02 1.89k 次阅读 每个人都希望自己用的加速器的速度像在美土,即便很多时候在日常生活中并无大用。
When TGW Logistics Group was tasked to develop a system for automated item picking, they chose two rc_visard 160 as their vision component. In addition, Roboception delivered an individual software solution, specifically tailored to the perceptions tasks at hand.
The result – the award-winning “PickCenter Rovolution” – is a true game-changer!
Read TGW’s feedback on our collaboration in this exciting project…
“… Takes Our Software to a Whole New Level”
With a very extensive list list of requirements, RG Technologies, a leading provider of high-performing industrial cutting systems, looked for a reliable vision solution to detect the contours of leather pieces as well as marked faults and quality zones.
And – although their application does not even include any robots (!) – they found their perfect solution using our rc_visard 160.
Read about the new competitive edge for RG Technologies’ solutions…
Early Access Program Launched: First Users Start Testing as Roboception’s rc_reason CADMatch Module Approaches Release
The countdown is running: Roboception will release the rc_reason CADMatch Module later this year. And while the company’s perception experts are still completing final touches on this software, an Early Access Program is ...
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Mareike Suppa
‘Put More Pixels in the Bin’: rc_visard monochrome with 6 mm Lenses Now Available Off-the-Shelf
What was initially a customer-specific solution is now available as a standard product: The rc_visard 160 m-6 is now ready for order in
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UCloud优刻得cdn网络加速产品介绍及500+节点分布 – 老刘博客:大文件加速可以将视频文件、游戏安装包、软件、补丁等需要下载的内容进行加速,为客户提供下载加速解决方案。 您只需要将大文件上传至最近的服务器节点,UCDN平台就能够智能地部署文件,分发到全国各地的节点,不仅解决了带宽不足的问题并且让您的用户体验到更快的下载服务。
Roboception participated in the first webExpo for Flexible Industrial Robots in early May - an exciting event with ~400 guests who used the opportunity to 'virtually' visit our partners and us. You've missed it? Not a ...
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Mareike Suppa
We are always looking for new talents to strengthen our team and look forward to unsolicited applications.
Roboception GmbH
Kaflerstr. 2
81241 Munich
+49 89 889 50 79-0